Flick Candles Celebrates ALL of Life’s Moments

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What better way to commemorate all of life’s ups and downs than with a fresh, new candle? New house, candle. Holiday party, candle. Crushing debt, wait, what? That’s right, the friendly folks at Flick Candles believe all of life’s moments and events (seriously, ALL of them) deserve a perfectly paired scent.

From Cancelled Vacations to Dentist Office Waiting Room and even Flick 2020, this company has truly created a candle for everything. Not only are these candles witty, but they’re also made from 100% natural soy which is a cleaner, longer lasting burn. I mean really, why would we want those Frat House Basement Parties to ever end.

With everything that is going on in the world, we’re all looking for something to bring a little light and laughter into our homes and Flick Candles truly accomplishes this. Fantastically made and amazingly scented candles aside, Flick is a good reminder to never take yourself too seriously. After all, a little Blueberry Bromance goes a long way.

Check out some of our favorite scents below!

We’ve all felt the sting of a cancelled vacation, well now you can also smell it. Unpack your bags, pour a glass a wine and close your eyes as this tropical scent transports you to the vacation that almost was.

Stale beer, axe body spray and a headache that could last for days is probably what comes to mind when you think “frat house basement” and you probably aren’t wrong. But hey, for the sake of nostalgia, this scent will keep the good times going.  

The ups and downs that go along with a season of fantasy football could use a fresh scent to keep your spirits up. This candle smells just like almost winning your fantasy matchup every. single. week.

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